

BICS Registration

1. Guide for BICS mobile network registration

miro Edge devcies with preinstalled BICS eUICC need to be registered and activated before use. This guide will lead you through the registration process

1.1. Device eUID

To register a device with BICS the device eUID is needed. This id can be found on the label on the back of the device.

Location of eUID on label

1.2. Device Registration

Go to AVNET e2c - Trails eUICC page and fill out all the mandatory fields

  • email, First Name, Last Name, Company and Phone Number: Fill in your personal contact details

  • eID# list: Fill in the eID from the back label of the gateway

  • Cellular modem ref or EvalKit ref: Input Miroedge

Avnet Portal

Click "submit" to register your eUICC for activation.

Confirmation Message

1.3. Confirmation by eMail

You will also recieve an email to confirm your registration request.

eMail Confirmation

1.4. Change Password

Your account and user profile will be created in BICS Portal and your trials eUICC will be activated. As a result An automatic mail (as below) will be send to upon completion requesting you to create your password.

Set Password Request

Click on “Click here to login” link within the eMail to open a website to set your password.

Set Password

Create your personal password and click on "CHANGE PASSWORD".

1.5. Login to BICS Portal

Go to BICS portal

BICS Login

Enter your User Name and Password and click on "Login".

Registration is completed and can be manged from the BICS protal.