Evaluation Kit for STM32WLE5



Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide

Figure 1. EVKit_Setup

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to use this board with LoRaWAN®

1. Unboxing

  • Development board with on-board j-link debugger

  • LoRa antenna with U.FL connector

  • USB Cable

2. Connecting

  • Development board with the USB cable to PC (Power and virtual COM port)

  • Antennas to development board

3. Developing

The development board comes with pre-loaded Firmware with the following features:

  • Blinking RGB LED at start-up

  • Reading sensor (temperature and humidity)

  • Joining over LoRaWAN

  • Periodic sensor read-out and transmit over LoRaWAN ® Follow the steps below to develop your own application :=)

4. EVKit pinout

EVKit pinout
Figure 2. EVKit pinout

5. Access the serial port of the EVK

In order to view the debugging output of the FMLR Module, you can use your preferred terminal application. (example: https://sourceforge.net/projects/y-a-terminal/)

Use the following setting:

Table 1. Settings for serial communication
setting value









flow control


You can now see the debug output of the pre-installed application. Now let’s develop your own LoRaWAN® application…​

6. ST Microelectronics CubeMX example application for CubeIDE

6.1. Preparation

6.2. Import project

Start CubeIDE and import fmlr-devboard-wle5 following the steps below:

Figure 3. STM32CubeIDE_First_StartUp

Select folder with cloned code

Figure 4. STM32CubeIDE_Import_Select_Directory

Import configuration

Figure 5. STM32CubeIDE_ImportProjects


Figure 6. STM32CubeIDE_Finish

6.3. File tree

The file tree of your project should look like this:

Figure 7. STM32CubeIDE_File-Tree

6.4. Configure the post build step

You can configure the project to build a hex file.

Figure 8. STM32CubeIDE_PostBuildIntelHex

6.5. Build Debug. This will provide a hex file

Press the below button shown button to start the debug build. This builds for you the hex file.

Figure 9. STM32CubeIDE_DebugBuild

This example uses J-Link (https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/ ) under Windows:

  • Connect the DevBoard to the Debugger Probe. Note you can leave the USB cable connected

  • Start J-Flash Lite

  • Choose Device "STM32WLE5", SWD, 4000kHz and click "OK"

  • Choose your application hex file and click "Program Device" (fmlr-devboard-wle5\STM32CubeIDE\Debug\LoRaWAN_End-Node.hex)

8. Comissioning your Device

In LoRaWAN® a device needs to be identified:

  • DevEUI: The Devices Extended Unique Identifier

  • JoinEUI (Or AppKey): links the device to back-end-application

  • NwKey: security key known by the the device and the back-end to encode/decode the messages.

In this example the DevEUI and the keys are hard coded. The development board comes with a DevEUI which can be found on the sticker on back-side.

9. Using a LoRaWAN® network

In order to receive the data from the dev-board over LoRaWAN ® you need:

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